Cleanse and Purge

Cleanse and Purge

It's been over a month since we moved in to our new home. I feel like we've lived here for years. We've quickly adapted and worn the place in. Scratched up the new floors, put a few dings in the walls and everything... Feels like home.

With it being spring and us being in a new place, I'm in the cleanse and purge mode. I get so much satisfaction out of filling up boxes to donate. We have way too much stuff and I'm cleaning house! My sisters tease me and say I'm the "toy grinch" because I love to throw toys out and I hate toys with multiple pieces. I literally hide every single pair of Barbie shoes and accessories before I give them to Scarlett. When we go to a friend's house, she'll say "MOM! THEIR BARBIES HAVE SHOES!" like it's the coolest thing ever. Poor kid... But let's be honest, kids are spoiled and have too much stuff that doesn't even get used. I want my kids to be happy with less and enjoy their surroundings more. Also, I hate picking their crap up. Sooooo, it's an all around win in my book!  

It's amazing with all the moving we've done in the last 8 months, that I'm still even finding junk to get rid of. But my donation boxes keep filling and filling and our closets are looking better than ever. I wonder if Scott will notice much of his wardrobe is gone...?? Like I said, I love to purge! 

Not only am I dejunking tangible "stuff" but I'm trying to clear my life of the unnecessary in general. I tend to say yes to everything and then things that are very important don't get the attention and love that they need. Not my kids or hubs, btw. Mainly me and my needs. I have a lot of achievable goals and aspirations that I just can't seem to reach because of all the stuff in the way. I turned 30 last year and I'm finally ready to kick it into gear and start doing what I need to do without letting road blocks get in the way.

Road blocks for me are usually overbooking myself, spreading too thin because I don't want to disappoint, not the best eating and sleeping habits, putting my work-outs on the back burner, wasting time on shows when I've really been meaning to finish a book that I've gotten 1/3 of the way through, etc... You get the point. I'm terrible at prioritizing. 

After missing two doctor appointments this month, forgetting to show up at lunches and play dates, leaving my groceries in the store parking lot twice this year and realizing that Welles' speech therapist has never seen me in anything but pajamas, I think it's time I get my self in order!

New house, new leaf. Cleaner closets, clearer goals. Before I hit 31, I want to feel like I've gained some balance. The bulk of my life consists of keeping my little zoo happy, alive and well. There will always be chaos in that! But where I can have some control and order, send the organization gods to help me! I'm de-junking. Happy spring, happy simplifying. 

Spring with OshKosh

Spring with OshKosh