Summer Bucket List 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016

I'm a little late on the "Summer Bucket List" planning, but it's been crazy around here. Not just the usual, chasing kids, appointments, daily grind, crazy... We have some added chaos in our lives right now because we are MOVING! Dejunking, packing all of our belongings (in a semi-organized fashion) and taking off! Leaving the first home we built. I have all kinds of mixed emotions.

The good news is-- we are not moving far and will still be very close to our beloved neighbors. The BEST news is-- we will be within two blocks of some of the best friends we've made on our journey with Down syndrome. That's right, two families who have children with DS are building right next to us! Woooohooo. We're taking over this new hood with some pretty special kiddos. We are so excited to have the support and understanding of families, literally right around us. It'll be a constant party. ;) The bad news? We are homeless in three weeks and our home won't be done for seven months. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out! Jk, I'm stressed but not too worried. We'll find a rental. But moving twice.... Blah! So my plan is to make the next seven months (give or take) of rental living, a party! I want to get out and take my family on as many little adventures as possible. I'm hoping for some little road trips, hike and visit all the amazing spots that Utah has to offer. I don't usually talk about what state we live in, but by now I think most people can guess by some of my posts and pics. ;) Utah is seriously one of the most beautiful states and I feel like we don't take enough advantage of all the monuments and outdoorsy places. My goal is to keep busy and keep out of the small rental as we take Utah by storm. Please let me know if you are familiar with Utah "must-do's". I've lived here for over ten years now and Scott was raised here. Still, I feel like there is so much we've never done in this incredible state and it's all within our grasp.

But as for my usual Summer bucket list.....

  • Help Scarlett become a stronger swimmer
  • Weekly snow cones
  • Stadium of fire (huge 4th of July show)
  • Stop at every lemonade stand we see
  • Bonfire in the canyon
  • Go to at least one rodeo
  • Ride the train up to Salt Lake
  • Slip n' Slide
  • Bike around the lake once a week
  • Bum off friends with boats
  • Lots of kid-friendly hikes
  • Night swims galore

Also, one thing that's a must for an always-lifting-babies-mama, is comfy summer clothes. Mess Clothings sent me the shirt and shoes I'm wearing in this post. Both super comfy and light for summer time. And hello! Heels I can wear and not hate as a mom. Super plus. It's taken me years to wear shoes with any sort of heel since having kids. Can't get enough of these ones. Always love passing along good mom-living suggestions. Check em' out!

Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

Stitched Custom Quilts

Stitched Custom Quilts